City Complaint Policy and Form

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Community Feedback and Complaint Procedure

Anyone wishing to file a formal complaint, community concern or has community feedback should complete and submit a Citizens Concern form.

If you believe a code violation is occurring or have a community concern and would like to make a report, you can submit the form in one of the following methods:

  1. Via Email:
  2. Go to the City of Anthony website ( Go to “Forms” and then “Citizens Concern Form”.
  3. Make a report in person at City Hall, 820 HWY 478, Anthony, NM 88021

The City will work to resolve the issue, on all report types. Each citizen’s concern will be examined on its own merit and a member of the City’s department will be assigned to contact you within 15 days.

Any concern and/or complaint that is not submitted as stated above will be considered invalid and no action will be taken.

Citizens filing complaints will receive a written notice of the disposition through via email or certified mail. Any questions you have concerning the complaint process may be directed to the City Manager.