Anthony: The New Mexico Department of Transportation (NMDOT) along with AUI INC. (Contractor). In cooperation with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) will be holding a public involvement meeting to discuss the improvement project of the NM 186 Bridge Box replacement project.
6:00 pm
Thursdays, exact date will be announced on calendar and links below
City of Anthony Municipal Complex
820 Highway 478
Anthony, New Mexico 88021=
Meeting Purpose:
To provide project information regarding construction, detailing information, project specifications, and will answer questions regarding the timeline of the project. The public is encouraged to ask questions and provide comments and to address any concerns they may have as it relates to this project in Anthony, NM.
ADA: To request Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) related accommodations for this meeting, contact Ami Evans, Public Information Officer, NMDOT – District One at (575) 544-6598 at least two days before the meeting.
For information regarding this project contact Benito Trevino, NMDOT District One Project Manager at (575) 882-2294. Media questions can be addressed to Trent Doolittle at trent.doolittle@state.nm.us or Ami Evans at ami.evans@state.nm.us.
Flyer for meeting available at the following link
NMDOT Thursday January 26 Meeting
NMDOT Thursday January 26 Meeting